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    Basil, Greek

    From $399 USD
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    Greek Basil is a small-leaf dwarf variety that grows into a tight dome, about 1’ tall and wide. A great one for containers, hanging baskets, and indoor gardens. The bright green, oval leaves and soft stems have hints of clove and anise, and keep their flavor when dried.  
    Use this variety to flavor herb butters and vinaigrettes, and the edible flowers as a garnish or salad green.

    Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant.

    The more you harvest, the more it grows!

    • Basil-clove-anise flavor
    • Compact plant
    • Good for indoor gardens
    • Good for containers
    • Tons of medicinal benefits!

    As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

    ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

    ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

    As a companion plant, it attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms. 

    Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 



      See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board


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      Basil, Lemon

      From $499 USD
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      Lemon Basil, also called Hoary Basil (for its fuzzy stems), is a hybrid cross between traditional basil and lime basil.

      The bright green leaves have a sweet lemony aroma and a tangy lemon-anise flavor that’s best used fresh in seafood dishes, fruit salads, lemonade, cocktails, and salad dressings. Add at the end of cooking to preserve the citrus flavor, then garnish with the edible flowers.

      Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant.

      The more you harvest, the more it grows!

      • Tangy lemon-anise flavor
      • Culinary and medicinal
      • Good for indoor gardens
      • Good for containers
      • Tons of medicinal benefits!

      As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

      ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

      ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

      As a companion plant, Basil attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms. 

      Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 

      Health Benefits of Lemon Basil

      Basil is a known health tonic for expecting mothers and when mixed with tea it increases lactation in mothers.  It is also a nerve tonic and young children are sometimes encouraged to chew on the leaves of basil because it stimulates brain cells and can increase memory.  

        See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board


        Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
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        Basil, Lettuce Leaf

        From $499 USD
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        Let us tell you about Lettuce Leaf Basil. It’s a lovely Italian basil that grows huge leaves as big as your hand, with a flavor that’s sweeter and less spicy than other basils. Its crinkles hold onto dressing in salads, you need only one leaf for a sandwich or wrap, and you can use the rest as you would any other basil. Save the edible flower spikes to garnish seafood dishes and cocktails.

        Harvest the leaves and stems from the top part of the plant, and pinch off edible flower buds as they appear, which prevents the leaves from turning bitter, and signals the plant to branch out and grow more leaves, making a bushier plant. The more you harvest, the more it grows!

        • Sweet and mild
        • Huge 5"-6" leaves
        • Grows 1'-2' tall
        • Good for containers
        • Tons of medicinal benefits!

        As a medicinal herb, Basil has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, colic, cough, depression, diarrhea, fever, flatulence, flu, indigestion, insomnia, intestinal parasites and worms, exhaustion, gastric pain, gonorrhea, lactation problems, migraine headache, nausea, stomach cramps, sore throat, and vomiting, and externally to treat acne, insect bites and stings, loss of smell, skin problems, snake bites.

        ⚠️ Do not use medicinally while pregnant.

        ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.

        As a companion plant, Basil attracts hummingbirds, pollinators, and beneficial insects, and repels asparagus beetles, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, carrot rust fly, flies, maggots, mice, mosquitoes, spider mites, thrips, and tomato hornworms.

        Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 

        Health Benefits of Genovese Basil

        Basil is a known health tonic for expecting mothers and when mixed with tea it increases lactation in mothers.  It is also a nerve tonic and young children are sometimes encouraged to chew on the leaves of basil because it stimulates brain cells and can increase memory.  

          See Basil Recipes & Growing Tips on our Pinterest Board


          Shop all Basil Seeds Shop Good Companion Plants for Basil 📚 Grow Guide: Basil 
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          Bean, Runner/Pole - Scarlet Runner

          From $299 USD
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          The Scarlet Runner Pole Bean is just about as traditional a vegetable you can grow in your garden. Named for its showy red hummingbird attractors (flowers) it puts out on 6'-8' vines that will grow on fences, trellises, and yes, poles. This high-yielding runner bean produces foot-long pods with speckled red-purple beans, but pick them sooner for best flavor. Tolerates heat and drought, and doesn’t mind cool nights.

          • Easy to grow
          • Heat tolerant
          • Long pods up to 8"-12”
          • Eat fresh, shelled, or dried


          • Botanical name: Phaseolus coccineus
          • Depth to plant seeds: 1" deep
          • Spacing between plants: 5" apart
          • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
          • Days to germinate (sprout): 8-14 days
          • Germination soil temps: 70F-85F
          • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
          • Sun needs: Full sun
          • Frost hardy: No
          • Planting season: Spring, summer
          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 4 plants per sq. ft.
          • Days to maturity: 65-75 days

          Click here to view our full Bean grow guide

          Good companion plants: Cucumber, Pea, Rosemary, Thyme, Tomato

          Shop more:  
          BUSH BEANS
          FAVA & BROAD BEANS
          LIMA BEANS
          POLE BEANS

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          Bean, Runner/Pole - White Emergo

          From $099 USD
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          The White Emergo Runner Pole Bean twinkles with lots of sweet white flowers, which may be why it’s also known as Sweet White Runner Bean. Vigorous vines can grow to 10' to support long 8"-12" pods with creamy white beans inside. Pick young for snap beans and mature for shell beans, or let them dry for a bean similar to cannellini.

          • Easy to grow
          • Tasty white beans
          • Long pods up to 8"-12”
          • Eat fresh, shelled, or dried


          • Botanical name: Phaseolus coccineus
          • Depth to plant seeds: 1" deep
          • Spacing between plants: 5" apart
          • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
          • Days to germinate (sprout): 8-14 days
          • Germination soil temps: 70F-85F
          • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
          • Sun needs: Full sun
          • Frost hardy: No
          • Planting season: Spring, summer
          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 4 plants per sq. ft.
          • Days to maturity: 80-115 days

          Click here to view our full Bean grow guide

          Good companion plants: Cucumber, Pea, Rosemary, Thyme, Tomato

          Shop more:  
          BUSH BEANS
          FAVA & BROAD BEANS
          LIMA BEANS
          POLE BEANS

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          Black Salsify (Black Oyster Plant/Scorzonera)

          From $499 USD
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          Black Salsify, also called Scorzonera and Black Oyster Plant, is a cold hardy perennial in the aster and lettuce family grown for its thin root with rough black skin over white flesh that can grow 1'-3' long if it has the room. Take care when harvesting, as the roots are delicate and snap easily.  Any root left behind will re-grow!

          It would be fun for a blind taste test, as the edible yellow dandelion-like flower petals smell like cocoa, the edible flower buds taste like okra, and the roots taste like oyster, asparagus, or artichoke, turning sweeter and earthier after a frost.

          The stems and long, wide leaves that can grow 3'-4' tall are also edible. Delicious roasted, mashed, grilled, and pickled, or simply sautéed in a little butter for a rich, unusual side dish.

          • Sweet, earthy flavor
          • Roots can grow 1'-3' long if they have the room!
          • Prefers cooler weather
          • All parts are edible
          • Cold hardy


          • Botanical name: Scorzonera hispanica
          • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
          • Hardiness zones: 5-9
          • Planting season: Spring, fall
          • Days to maturity: 100-120 days
          • Depth to plant seeds: 1/2" deep
          • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-28 days
          • Germination soil temps: 60F-75F
          • Spacing between plants: 3"-4" apart
          • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 16 plants per sq. ft.
          • Soil types: Sandy, loamy, moist, well-drained
          • Soil pH: 6.5-7.0
          • Sun needs: Full sun
          • Water needs: Average
          • Cold stratify: No
          • Frost tolerant: Yes
          • Heat tolerant: Yes
          • Drought tolerant: Yes
          • Deer resistant: No
          • Culinary use: Yes

          Good Companion Plants: Beet, Carrot, Kohlrabi, Parsnip, Potato, Rosemary, Rutabaga, Sage, Thyme, Turnip

          ⚠️ Always consult with your doctor and primary care provider before using or consuming herbs, flowers, seeds and/or plants for medicinal purposes.

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          Cabbage - Brunswick

          From $299 USD
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          Cabbage, Brunswick

          • Brassica oleracea.
          • A heirloom variety dating back to 1924.
          • Plant produces a large drumhead type cabbage.
          • Used for making kraut.
          • Suitable for spring, summer, and fall crops.
          • Stores well. Suitable for home gardens and market growers.

          Click here for complete Cabbage grow guide

          Additional Details

          Did you know? ❄️ Cabbage is an annual cool-season crop, hardy to frost and light freezes. A smaller cabbage head has better flavor and can stay in the field longer without splitting. To keep them small, plant close together or, when the head is almost full, give the plant a sharp twist to break up the roots. 😀 Cabbage is a wide spreading foliage plant with handsome leaves that form a tight, hard ball head on a strong central stem. Young plants may bolt if grown at 50F for a long time; however mature plants of late varieties improve flavor in cold weather.

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          From $399 USD
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          Catnip is not the most beautiful plant you can grow, but it’s quite useful. The small spikes of white speckled flowers attract pollinators and beneficial insects to the vegetable garden. And the same compound that sends cats flying to the moon also sends mosquitoes flying away. Also repels ants, aphids, cabbage moths, cabbage white butterfly, cabbage worms, potato beetles, cucumber beetles, flea beetles, Japanese beetles, mice, roaches, slugs, squash bugs, voles, and weevils, which makes it a great companion for just about everyone (except Parsley). Reseeds easily and can become invasive. Use the minty leaves to flavor tea, pasta, vegetables, soups, and sauces.

        • Mosquito repellent
        • Can be invasive
        • Grows 2'-3' tall
        • Good for containers
          As a medicinal herb, Catnip has been used internally to treat anxiety, colds, cough, fever, insomnia, nervousness, restlessness, sore throat, and upset stomach, and externally to treat black eyes and other bruises.

          ⚠️ Medicinal properties are presented as information only, and are not a recommendation or prescription for use. Consult a medical professional before using any herb medicinally.


          • Botanical name: Nepeta cataria
          • Life cycle: Herbaceous perennial
          • Hardiness zones: 3-9
          • Planting season: Spring, fall
          • Days to maturity: 75-85 days; can begin harvesting when 6" tall
          • Depth to plant seeds: 1/4" deep
          • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
          • Germination soil temps: 60F-70F
          • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
          • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
          • Soil types: Sandy, loamy, silty, rocky, poor, rich, dry, moist, well-drained
          • Soil pH: 6.0-7.8
          • Sun needs: Full sun, part shade
          • Water needs: Low
          • Cold stratify: Yes
          • Frost tolerant: Yes
          • Heat tolerant: No
          • Drought tolerant: Yes
          • Deer resistant: Yes
          • Cat resistant: No
          • Culinary use: Yes
          • Medicinal use: Yes

          Good companion plants: Bean, Beet, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Collards, Cucumber, Eggplant, Fava Bean, Hyssop, Kale, Kohlrabi, Lavender, Lettuce, Mustard, Potato, Pumpkin, Radish, Rutabaga, Soybean, Strawberry, Squash, Tomato, Turnip, Zucchini

          More facts about Catnip:

          • Nepeta cataria. Perennial.
          • Classic aromatic scent that is proven to attract cats. They absolutely love to roll around in it.
          • Plant produces flavorful leaves that can be used in many culinary dishes and teas.
          • Said to have medicinal properties to relieve cold and flu symptoms.
          • Catnip is also a VERY effective mosquito repellent.
          • According to ScienceDaily.com, nepetalactone, the essential oil in catnip that gives the plant its characteristic odor, is about ten times more effective at repelling mosquitoes than DEET — the compound used in most commercial insect repellents.
          • Simply grow catnip near the backyard or patio of your house.

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          Dandelion Flowers

          From $199 USD
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          • Taraxacum officinalis. Perennial.
          • This strain forms lush heads of leaves that will rival your favorite lettuce. The leaves are tender, fleshy and dark green.
          • The plants spread up to 2 ft and the vitamin rich leaves can be eaten raw, boiled, stir fried and used in soup.
          • The roots can be eaten raw, cooked or roasted and made into a coffee substitute.
          • The flowers can be used to make fritters, tea and dandelion wine.
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          Epsom Salts Soil Fertilizer (THE BEST!)

          From $299 USD
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          OMRI LISTED & APPROVED for Organic Use   

          One of the BEST fertilizers you will come across is EPSOM salts. Just mix into your soil and see amazing results!

          Read: How and Why you should add Epsom Salts to Soil Now
          EPSOM salts contain both magnesium and sulfur, two very important elements required for healthy plant growth.

          When used in your garden as a natural source of magnesium... roses, tomatoes and peppers will thrive!  You'll see your plants develop more "bushy", and deeper in color. Some gardeners boast their plants develop more blooms which will in turn provide larger yields of fruit especially on those tomato and pepper plants.

          Here are some ways to use EPSOM salts in the garden:

          • METHOD #1:   When planting, add one tablespoon (equivalent to 1 sampler pack) of EPSOM salts into the hole you've created,

          • METHOD #2: Try mixing one tablespoon of EPSOM salts into a one gallon container filled with water. Now water the roots of your plant, directly after planting. Avoid getting this mixture on the leaves

          Want to learn more? 

          Read: How and Why you really should add Epsom Salts to to your soil Now
          Read: Introduction to Fertilizers
          Read: Introduction to Soil Amendements

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          Gourd - Crown of Thorns

          From $299 USD
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          • Produces good yields of 5" diameter multi color gourds
          • This unusual gourds have 10 fingers pointing towards the blossom end
          • Excellent for making crafts

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          From $299 USD
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          Mugwort, Herb

            • 85 days.
            • Artemisia vulgaris.
            • Perennial.
            • Plant produces beautiful fragrant leaves.
            • Used to make tea to treat menstrual and menopausal problem.
            • Stimulates and improves memory.
            • Easy to grow.
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            Pepper (Sweet) - Cherry, Large Red

            From $399 USD
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            The Large Red Cherry Pepper has been a staple in American gardens since the mid-1800s. Tall plants set fruit continuously throughout the season, ripening from vivid green to maraschino red. With smooth, thick skin and sweet flavor, this adorable 1"-2" mini pepper is the perfect size and texture for pickling, canning, skewering, or stuffing with a cube of mozzarella to roast or grill.

            • High yields
            • Ever-bearing
            • Sweet and crunchy
            • Good for containers


            • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
            • Pepper size: Small/Mini 1"-2"
            • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
            • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
            • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
            • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
            • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
            • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
            • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
            • Sun needs: Full sun
            • Frost hardy: No
            • Planting season: Spring, summer
            • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
            • Days to maturity: 75-85 days

            Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

            • Plant produces excellent yields of delicious sweet round red cherry peppers on a compact plant. Excellent for salads, stuffing, canning, or cooking. Very easy to grow. Grows well in containers and tight spaces. A must for the gourmet home gardeners.
            All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers   📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide
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            Pepper (Sweet) - Chocolate Bell

            From $399 USD
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            The Chocolate Bell Pepper is a fun one to grow. While the skin is maturing from green to brown, the inside is ripening from green to red, so you’re in for a surprise color combo with each one you snip off the vine. Crunchy and sweet with no heat. Ripens early, too. Pair with Chocolate Cherry Tomatoes on a bed of Red Romaine Lettuce for a delightful dark salad.

            • High yields
            • Early producer
            • Harvest any color
            • Sweet and crunchy


            • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
            • Pepper size: Medium
            • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
            • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
            • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
            • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
            • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
            • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
            • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
            • Sun needs: Full sun
            • Frost hardy: No
            • Planting season: Spring, summer
            • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
            • Days to maturity: 65-80 days

            Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

            • Plant produces good yields of beautiful rich chocolate-brown sweet bell pepper
            • Excellent for salads, stuffing, or cooking
            • Very easy to grow
            • Grows well in containers and tight spaces
            • A must for the gourmet home gardener
            All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers   📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide
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            Pepper (Sweet) - Marconi, Golden

            From $299 USD
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            Are you looking to add a new pepper plant to your garden? Consider the Marconi pepper plant, a popular choice among gardeners for its mild flavor and versatility in the kitchen. Let's explore the ins and outs of growing this plant in your own backyard.

            What are Marconi peppers?

            Marconi peppers, also known as Italian frying peppers, are elongated, sweet peppers that are typically harvested when they are green or red. These peppers are prized for their thin walls, making them perfect for sautéing, grilling, or roasting. With a mild, slightly sweet flavor, Marconi peppers are a favorite in Mediterranean cuisine.

            How to grow Marconi pepper plants

            When planting Marconi pepper seeds, it's important to choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil. These plants thrive in warm weather, so make sure to plant them after the last frost date in your area. Space the plants about 18 inches apart to allow for proper growth.

            Water the plants regularly, ensuring that the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Fertilize the plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth. As the peppers begin to develop, provide support for the plants to prevent them from bending or breaking under the weight of the fruit.

            Harvesting and using Marconi peppers

            Marconi peppers can be harvested when they reach their full size, typically around 6-8 inches in length. You can pick the peppers when they are green for a milder flavor or wait until they turn red for a sweeter taste. Simply cut the peppers from the plant using a pair of scissors or pruning shears.

            These versatile peppers can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries and salads to sandwiches and pasta dishes. Roast them for a smoky flavor, or pickle them to enjoy their crisp texture year-round. The possibilities are endless with Marconi peppers in your kitchen!

            Are you ready to add the Marconi pepper plant to your garden? With the right care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these delicious peppers throughout the growing season. Happy gardening!


            • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
            • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
            • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
            • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
            • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
            • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
            • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
            • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
            • Sun needs: Full sun
            • Frost hardy: No
            • Planting season: Spring, summer
            • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
            • Days to maturity: 65-80 days

            Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

            All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers   📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide
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            Pepper (Sweet) - Marconi, Red

            From $299 USD
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            Are you looking to add a new pepper plant to your garden? Consider the Marconi pepper plant, a popular choice among gardeners for its mild flavor and versatility in the kitchen. Let's explore the ins and outs of growing this plant in your own backyard.

            What are Marconi peppers?

            Marconi peppers, also known as Italian frying peppers, are elongated, sweet peppers that are typically harvested when they are green or red. These peppers are prized for their thin walls, making them perfect for sautéing, grilling, or roasting. With a mild, slightly sweet flavor, Marconi peppers are a favorite in Mediterranean cuisine.

            How to grow Marconi pepper plants

            When planting Marconi pepper seeds, it's important to choose a sunny spot in your garden with well-draining soil. These plants thrive in warm weather, so make sure to plant them after the last frost date in your area. Space the plants about 18 inches apart to allow for proper growth.

            Water the plants regularly, ensuring that the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Fertilize the plants every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer to promote healthy growth. As the peppers begin to develop, provide support for the plants to prevent them from bending or breaking under the weight of the fruit.

            Harvesting and using Marconi peppers

            Marconi peppers can be harvested when they reach their full size, typically around 6-8 inches in length. You can pick the peppers when they are green for a milder flavor or wait until they turn red for a sweeter taste. Simply cut the peppers from the plant using a pair of scissors or pruning shears.

            These versatile peppers can be used in a variety of dishes, from stir-fries and salads to sandwiches and pasta dishes. Roast them for a smoky flavor, or pickle them to enjoy their crisp texture year-round. The possibilities are endless with Marconi peppers in your kitchen!

            Are you ready to add the Marconi pepper plant to your garden? With the right care and attention, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of these delicious peppers throughout the growing season. Happy gardening!


            • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
            • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
            • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
            • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
            • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
            • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
            • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
            • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
            • Sun needs: Full sun
            • Frost hardy: No
            • Planting season: Spring, summer
            • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
            • Days to maturity: 65-80 days

            Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

            All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers   📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide
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            Pepper (Sweet) - White Cloud

            From $499 USD
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            What happens when you remove the color from a pepper? The White Cloud Pepper is what happens. A lovely ivory hue, inside and out, glossy and pearly and sometimes tinged with purple. Like the clouds in the sky, they vary in shape and size from small to medium. Its bell pepper nature can’t quite be tamed, however, so the fruit turns green and then bright orange or red when it matures. The flavor endures as well. Sweet and mild with no heat and a definite crunch. Now, what happens when a gardener grows that white sweet pepper?

            • High yields
            • Crunchy and sweet
            • Harvest any color
            • Good fresh and cooked
            • Grows well in containers and tight spaces


            • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum
            • Pepper size: Small-to-Medium/2"-5"
            • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
            • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
            • Spacing between plants: 18"-24" apart
            • Spacing between rows: 24"-36" apart
            • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-21 days
            • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
            • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
            • Sun needs: Full sun
            • Frost hardy: No
            • Planting season: Spring, summer
            • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
            • Days to maturity: 70-75 days

            Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

            All Peppers ⟐ Sweet Peppers   📚 Sweet Peppers Grow Guide
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            Potato (Early Season) - Cal White

            From $399 USD
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            • Quick Overview

              • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
              • Heavy yields


              Cal White is a long white fleshed potato with brilliant white skin. It produces heavy yields of large potatoes. In fact Cal White surprised many people by setting new records for potato yields in California tests. If you like white bakers this one is the one.

            NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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            Potato (Early-Season) - Albertine

            From $600 USD
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            • Quick Overview

              • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
              • Disease resistant to common scab, black leg, Rhizoctonia, and tuber blight, the trifecta plus one.
              Yellow skin, yellow flesh with smooth skin and shallow eyes.
              • Excellent disease resistance.


              New Variety!

              Disease resistant to common scab, black leg, Rhizoctonia, and tuber blight, the trifecta plus one. Excellent for the the beginning home gardener. Yellow skin, yellow flesh with smooth skin and shallow eyes. Large oval tubers with medium set. It is well worth sacraficing a few potatoes for such excellent disease resistance. Medium storage.

            NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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            Potato (Early-Season) - Caribe (Organic rounds)

            From $999 USD
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            Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
            A large, uniform tuber with snow white flesh and lavender skin.
            Good boiled, steamed or mashed.
            It should be eaten first as it does not last in storage.
            Resistant to heat, drought, scab and storage rot.
            Producing excellent yields, it can be grown almost anywhere.

            NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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            Potato (Early-Season) - Cheshire (Organic rounds)

            From $999 USD
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            • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
            • A high yielding, early season tuber.
            • Dark red skinned with yellow around the eyes and deep yellow flesh.
            • This potato is delicious roasted, steamed or baked.
            • Eat this tasty tuber first as it does not have the longest shelf life.

              NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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              Potato (Early-Season) - Elfie (Organic/Heirloom)

              From $999 USD
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              • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
              • Early season oval shaped tubers with bright yellow skin and medium yellow flesh.
              • Smooth shallow eyes and nice uniform tubers.
              • Great for roasting, steaming, baking or boiling.
              • Excellent for storage.
              • Drought tolerant and resistant to common scab, blight & black leg.

              NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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              Potato (Early-Season) - Jester (Organic rounds)

              From $999 USD
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              • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
              • Purple skin with yellow around the eyes and variegated purple and yellow flesh.
              • Produces small round tubers that are perfect for the home gardener.
              • Good for salads or roasting.
              • Sensitive to common scab.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - King Edward (Organic/Heirloom)

                From $399 USD
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                About this variety: 

                • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.

                  King Edward is an early season potato. It has white flesh with moist, waxy texture.

                  - This is a good storage potato.

                  - The "Edward" leaves repel bugs, such as Colorado Potato Beetles, Flea Beetles, and Potato Leaf Hoppers.

                  - Late blight resistant.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-and in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - Malou (Organic/Heirloom)

                From $999 USD
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                • Early-season 60-80 to maturity.
                • This early season potato produces high yields of uniform, round tubers with bright yellow skin and yellow flesh.
                • Has a delicious creamy texture when roasted, baked, fried or boiled.
                • Resistance to PVY, black leg, tuber blight and rhizoctonia.
                • A great storage potato.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - Viking, Purple (Organic rounds)

                From $999 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  • Organic
                  • Great for mashing with excellent flavor
                  • Smooth dark purple skin with violet splashes and pure snow white flesh


                  These beautiful potatoes have smooth dark purple skin with violet splashes and pure snow white flesh. They are great for mashing with excellent flavor. These very early potatoes store well and are drought-resistant. 

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - Violetta

                From $600 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  Disease resistant to common scab
                  Purple skin with purple flesh
                  • Early to harvest


                  New Variety!

                  Disease resistant to common scab. Purple skin with purple flesh , 40 days earlier than purple peruvian with smooth skin and shallow eyes. The medium set is over shadowed by its earliness. Medium storage dormancy. Grows best on low nitrogent fields. Purple peruvian say good-bye!

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - Yukon Gold (Organic rounds)

                From $999 USD
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                About this variety:

                • This round tuber has smooth, thin yellow skin with pink coloring around shallow eyes and yellow flesh.
                • Early Season.
                • Moderate Keeper.
                • Heat tolerant.
                • It provides excellent flavor when baked, boiled or made into salads or fries; too moist for hash browns.
                • The best selling early variety is a moderate keeper, and is drought-tolerant.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Early-Season) - Zoe

                From $899 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  Large long oval tuber
                  Early maturing
                  Red skin and red flesh  


                  New Variety!

                  Disease resistant to PVY, common scab, and tuber late blight. Smooth red skin with very shallow eyes and red flesh. Large long oval tuber with high tuber set. Early maturing with short storage dormancy.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Late-Season) - Defender

                From $999 USD $1199
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                • Late-season 100-120 days to maturity.
                • First late blight resistant russet to be released.
                • This late season potato is high yielding, lightly russeted, suitable for frying and is excellent as a fresh market baker.
                • Oblong with white flesh.
                • Stores well.

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.
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                Potato (Late-Season) - Jelly (ORGANIC)

                From $1999 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  • Late-season: 100-120 days to maturity

                  • Exclusive variety
                  • High Yields
                  • Buttery taste and  flavor


                  Smooth yellow skin with yellow flesh. Oval shaped tubers and shallow eye depth. High yielding and an excellent long term storage potato. This tuber has wonderful texture and a tasty, buttery flavor which is great any way you cook it! Resistant to common scab, PVY and rhizoctonia.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Late-Season) - Magic Molly (Organic/Heirloom)

                From $399 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  • Late-season 100-120 days to maturity.

                  • Green Thumb Award Winner
                  • Fantastic earthy flavor


                  An Alaskan bred potato variety that produces large fingerling shaped tubers. The dark purple skin and flesh retains its color even when boiled. Its excellent earthy flavor and waxy texture are richly enhanced when barbecued, bringing out the warm woodsy smoke flavor of this delicious tuber. Magic Molly is a late setting and long storing potato that will last gardeners well into spring.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Late-Season) - Ramona

                From $600 USD
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                • Quick Overview

                  • Disease resistant to common scab, PVY, and tubar blight
                  Large oval shaped tuber with red skin and yellow flesh 
                  • Early to harvest  


                  New Variety!

                  Disease resistant to common scab, PVY, and tubar blight. Large oval shaped tuber with red skin and yellow flesh. Shallow eyed smooth skin with medium tuber set. Early to harvest with average storage dormancy. Bakes well to dress up the plate.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Late-Season) - Yellow Finn (Organic rounds)

                From $999 USD
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                About this variety:

                • This potato has an unusual pear shape (large flattened oval), deep yellow-tan skin and waxy yellow flesh.

                • The taste is natural butter-like, and is good boiled, baked, fried or included in soups.

                • This excellent keeper needs the lush, long season of the maritime Northwest to really perform.

                • With even moisture, it will continue to yield until frost kills.

                • This potato is the #1 yellow, our best-selling late season variety.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                About this variety:

                • One of the best tasting of the fingerling potato varieties.
                • It has rosy-buff skin with deep yellow flesh (blushed with red).
                • Excellent for potato salad.
                • Produces lots of medium-sized, well-clustered potatoes.
                • Very good roasted over the coals.
                • The tubers are long-keeping and the vines are very vigorous.
                • Be careful not too overcrowd this variety.


                We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Late-Season) Fingerling - Terra Rosa

                From $599 USD
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                A beautiful new variety which is smooth and shallow eyed. Magenta skin with matching flesh. Potatoes are ideal for frying, baking or mashing. Oblong tubers can reach 10 ounces in size.

                We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Mid-Season) - Agata (Organic/Heirloom)

                From $999 USD
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                • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                  Beautiful yellow skin and yellow flesh with a creamy texture when cooked.
                • Exceptionally high yields of oval tubers.
                • Early to mid-season maturity and moderate storage.
                • Try this tasty tuber roasted, baked or boiled.

                NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                Potato (Mid-Season) - All Blue

                From $1299 USD
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                • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                • This beautiful, medium-sized, extra-late potato has deep blue skin as well as consistently blue flesh.
                • This high yielding plant has beautiful blue flowers.
                • The rich taste of these potatoes when mashed is enhanced by the color.
                • To keep color, do not overcook.
                • Once blue potatoes were grown on potato trial grounds between other varieties to demarcate the division between varieties (called purple marker).

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - All Red (Organic/Heirloom)

                  From $999 USD
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                  • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                  • These medium to extra-large tubers have smooth, brilliant red skin with medium shallow eyes.
                  • Pink swirled flesh that retains its color after cooking.
                  • Like most reds, this variety is good for steaming or boiling.
                  • Makes an attractive and unique potato salad.

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Chieftain (Organic/Heirloom)

                  From $999 USD
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                  • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                  • A smooth red-skinned slightly oval tuber with shallow eyes and white flesh.
                  • Medium size and very good flavor.
                  • This variety is resistant to scab and late blight and does better in clay soils than most other reds.
                  • High overall yields from a spreading plant with attractive light-violet blossoms.

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Ciklamen

                  From $999 USD
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                  • A mid to late season tuber.
                  • Produces uniform, oval shaped tubers with red skin and creamy white flesh. High yielding.
                  • Good storage.
                  • Resistant to PVY, blackleg and common scab.

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - German Butterball (Organic rounds)

                  From $999 USD
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                  About this variety: 

                  • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                  • Order this extremely popular potato early! Its smooth, thick, golden, and netted skin and butter yellow flesh are characteristics of this small to medium oblong tuber with outstanding taste.
                  • Great for hash browns, fries, steaming or baking, and it stores well.
                  • Excellent flavor.
                  • So delicious it sells out fast, so order early!

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Huckleberry Gold (Organic rounds)

                  From $999 USD
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                  • Quick Overview

                    • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.


                    It's perfect for all of those purple and gold fans out there!! This round to oval tuber has purple skin and a yellow flesh. Excellent baked, boiled, or fried. This medium size tuber is a moderate keeper.

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Kennebec (Organic rounds)

                  From $999 USD
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                  • Quick Overview

                    • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.
                    • Produces dependable heavy yields of large potatoes in most soils.
                    • Smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes and white flesh.
                    • Resistant to blight, mosaic, late blight and net necrosis.


                    New Variety!

                    A short oval potato with smooth pale yellow skin, shallow eyes and white flesh. Can be used for fries, hash browns and many other uses even without peeling. Kennebec, one of the best keepers, is resistant to blight, mosaic, late blight and net necrosis. Produces dependable heavy yields of large potatoes in most soils. A great plant for the North as it sunburns easily.


                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Montana (ORGANIC)

                  From $1899 USD
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                  • Quick Overview

                    High setting mid season potato with excellent storage
                    Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes
                    • Disease resistant to common scab and PVY


                    New Variety!

                    Disease resistant to common scab and PVY. Montana can be as large as its namesake. Yellow skin and flesh, oval in shape with shallow eyes. High setting mid season potato with excellent storage.


                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Norland, Dark Red (Organic rounds)

                  From $999 USD
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                  • Quick Overview

                    • Mid-season 80-90 days to maturity.


                    This potato has deep red -– almost burgundy skin (with shallow eyes) and white flesh. It makes good potato salad, keeps well, has good disease resistance and moderate scab resistance. This old favorite is high yielding. The red skin fades to pink in storage!

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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                  Potato (Mid-Season) - Peruvian Sunrise Gold (ORGANIC)

                  From $1799 USD
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                  • Mid season.
                  • Large oval.
                  • South American variety.
                  • Red and white skin with deep white eyes and white flesh.
                  • Lasts extremely well in storage and has out produced many other potato varieties.  

                  NOTE:  We do not use chemicals to prevent our potatoes from sprouting. So the seed potatoes you order may have already begun to sprout when they arrive. This is okay-in fact some consider it desirable.

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